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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Cut Yours for a Good Cause!

IF you ever decide to cut your hair shorter, there are charities in the U.S. and other countries around the world where you can donate your hair for a good cause. 
The one in the U.S. that I go to is named "Locks of Love."  They make human hair wigs for those men and women with serious illnesses that has caused their hair to fall out. These wigs, are all provided at little or no cost to the wearer. 

So every few years I grow out my hair, to give them a pony tail of at least 11-12 inches. 
It's an organization that has been around for many years---and I feel good about doing it!
For more information, please contact: 
Locks of

Saturday, August 1, 2015


I have always been concerned that the U.S. refusal to pass reasonable gun control laws would produce a population that continues to devalue the lives of humans--and majestic animals like Cecil. 
And because the legal possession of guns-that can bring down elephants--continues to be identified as part of our "rights", it shouldn't surprise anyone that acts like this, of cowardice and cruelty, would follow. 
I very much doubt that the founding fathers of our country had this interpretation in mind when crafting the Bill of Rights.