I'm going to start a new thread this week, about my newly acquired taste for "old-fashioned" calendars and planners. I'm talking specifically about the special journey I've been taking over the past 6 months--as I've begun moving away from the digital personal time management software, to the amazing feel of my freshly sharpened pencil, poised carefully over my Moleskine notebook, in readiness to capture important information.
I'm having second thoughts about the exclusive use of personal information managers. And thirds and fourth thoughts as well.
Over the past 7 years I've upgraded and acquired over a dozen digital applications designed to make me work more efficiently. I've traveled on the digital toll roads-on a Palm Pilot TX, over the Windows Mobile handheld environment. And Ive paid dearly for
the transfer to the fastest and most modern expressway to date: the Apple magic has come to my household on theiPhone and by ipad2. But am I better organized? Can I find my notes at a moments notice? And more importantly-has it made my life any easier at all?
I can't be sure. It's entirely possible that I'm only playing an expensive game. I worry more now about preserving my digital documents than I ever did with the contents in my old file cabinet. I've often wondered how many of us have had the courage to admit they preferred their legal pad and rollerball--after trying the latest technology.
Hello, my name is Linda. And I am in love with my leather Filofax Planners.